Friday, September 7, 2007

Light Tackle Boat fishing

Last weekend Ian and I decided to leave the big fish and have some fun on light tackle in Gouritz River.
Early Saturday morning we got his boat ready and headed to Gouritz.
We launched the boat just after 6 in the morning. While enjoying the beautiful sunrise we got our tackle ready and started casting and trawling soon after sunrise.

After a few minutes I got a nice knock, but lost it. A few cast later I hooked a small cob.

During the morning we had a few pick up's, landed a few, lost some but overall it was great
fun on light tackle.
We tried for garrick on artlures too but I only managed to hook a very,very small shad.

The small cob's very eagerly taking our leadheads.

We found most of the fish on the outgoing tide in the zone where the dirty water meets the cleaner colder seawater.

All the fish caught were under legal size and returned into the river unharmed.

The leadheads we use is about 3/4 onuce in weight and we tie a clouser minnow fly on the hook. Add some blue crystal uv flash and cob will follow.

We use 5.5 ft and 6 ft rods with 4kg line. On the lead head we tie about 50 cm stronger nylon and then a swivel attached to the main line. That stops bite off's and also reduces line twist a lot.

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